Saturday, May 10, 2008

The blog begins ..... a little late

Well, as I said to some people before I left the UK, I would set up a blog and keep some kind of record of this little change of working 3,500 miles from Brum. It's taken a couple of weeks, what with work, finding my feet, and as you would expect, the necessary exploring the city in the evenings to find decent watering holes and places to eat (the former taking up most of my time!).
So here it is, my little corner of cyber space, somewhere for me to write what I see, experience, enjoy and don't enjoy about being an expat in the UAE, and somewhere for, if people want, to keep in touch and up to date with what I'm up to.

Not sure exactly what type of things will appear over the coming months, it's a kind of suck it and see, but as the first couple of weeks over here have been pretty eventful, I expect a lot of variety. I hope you enjoy it, and keep in touch!!

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